Lead is a heavy metal and compared to most other elements it is denser and a lead atom has 82 neurons and it is also soft and malleable and was known to prehistoric Man especially in Western Asia, where archaeological discoveries have proved such existence.
The existence of Galena, a principle extract from lead contained significant quantities of Silver which extended to about 1% to 2 % of the quantity of Galena. The availability of Silver in Lead gave rise to its extreme popularity and need to extraction during the Roman civilization and saw a peak in its use especially to obtain Silver.
The demand for Lead subsided with the fall of the Roman civilization or that very extensively spread empire and a substantial increase in demand for Lead did see an increase only after the advent of the Industrial Revolution. The annual production of Lead in 2014 around the whole world was only about a million tons which compared to other elements was negligible.
The high density, ductility, inertness relatively to oxidation and its low melting point properties makes it perfectly suited in construction, in the manufacture of bullets and buck shots used in weapons and ammunition, white paints, fusible alloys, pewter, solders and a variety of other applications.
The high toxicity of Lead once recognised, dampened the previous extensive use of Lead and was gradually phased out especially after the late 19th century and is at present not a very much sought out element compared to the rest of the elements which we have a very strong affinity to.
Lead which could be found in certain products could be recycled many times over and scrap lead prices Australia has been holding onto healthy levels of requirement during the last few years though there is a concerted effort to ensure that it is closely regulated.
Scrap lead prices Australia have generally been stabilized around Aus $ 0.80 to about Aus $ 2.00 and this large disparity in price shows that if lead is made available to the recycling plants here in Australia or to any around the world the acceptance of it would be confirmed as there is an appreciable demand for it.

Having found that lead has a high rate of toxicity its demand as an acceptable element in use has substantially dropped but there is a sustained demand and to feed that most of what is supplied to satisfy that need is recycled lead. This attraction for recycled lead has propped up the latest scrap lead prices Australia to healthy limits especially at the ranges of around Aus $ 0.80 to its high at Aus $ 2.00.
Lead is extensively used in the manufacture of lead pencils and when used as such it may be difficult to harness it for recycling but with stabilizing the latest scrap lead prices Australia other products like batteries, plumbing and most important of all as an effective shield against radiation.
The acceptance of Lead as a popular useable metal is under scrutiny but this has not put brakes or dampened the extensive operation that is under way in the collection and recycling of this element which has provided the onus for Lead to be recycled over and over again especially with the latest scrap lead prices Australia enjoying a healthy demand in this country.
Lead though is very popularly considered as a health risk is still needed and cannot be done without for certain very pertinent applications hence is needed for such needs and instead of being mined the existing stocks of Lead available are procured and used and this has increased the global demand for Lead and also in Australia.
Lead will be needed and will be used and until such time that a suitable alternative could be found and used the latest scrap lead prices Australia which are in a very large variant would remain the same or could be either going up creating a special niche for Lead as production levels from mining are at the possible lowest point.
Lead has also been systematically removed from industrial paints that would come in constant contact with children and there is a very concerted effort to ensure that it is completely excluded for such paint products and it is now been practiced universally.
There is also a certain suspicion that constant exposure to Lead could make us vulnerable and that the incidence of cancer in various forms is the final result and this has also contributed immensely to the gradual decline in its use, with the regulating authorities taking a very much closer and educative look on its use.
There is a certain expectation in those who are in the business of assisting in the recycling of Lead that the present restrictions on Lead would be lifted and a more conducive environment would be made available so that current scrap lead prices Australia would improve and they would be able to bring home better returns on the investment of time, energy and money that they are expending at the moment.
If the market has to improve and the current scrap lead prices Australia could see a substantial rise then there should be a relatively softer stance on Lead itself which could drive the prices up.
The scrap collecting industry whatever it may be, is keen to ensure that they recoup a reasonable return on investment for the superlative service that they provide the world environment because if it was only mining and producing the required products was concentrated on, then the recycling industry itself would not be functioning as it is now with our environment being more polluted with metals thrown all over bring a huge and heavy burden on us generally and the environment in particular.
The current scrap lead prices Australia could get better and if it does so then there would be more individuals embarking in the quest to get more of the lead that is strewn around to be brought to the recycling plants.